How to Buff Sand Tires?

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Sand tires give the necessary traction and grip while driving on sand. But often, you need some extra advantages that make you buff the tires of your vehicle. 

Tire buffing is not everyone’s cup of tea, as you can terribly fail and damage the tires if you are a beginner. So, if you want to know about how to buff sand tires, proper instructions, procedures, and guidelines are needed.

Tire Buffing

The word tire-buffing defines “tire polishing.” Speaking elaborately, tire buffing is a process or method by which you can remove tread blocks from the tire surface. As a result, the surface becomes smoother than before and ready to use with a new tread design. 

Some of the greatest sand tires often don’t need buffing, but some buff tires to drive well on dry tracks and sometimes to get rid of damaged old tread blocks.

Advantages of Buffing Sand Tires

Why do we need to buff sand tires? Here are some advantages of tire buffing that can make you buff your vehicle’s tires.

  • By cutting off or removing tread blocks, the tires can provide extra traction and grip on the sand along with other dry surfaces. 
  • Buffing makes sand tires lighter than before. So, you can easily speed up the vehicle by defeating the sand resistance.
  • While driving on sand, a vehicle can take easy turns with buffed sand tires.

Related Guide: How Do Sand Tires Work?

Buffing Sand Tires

There are many tire shops that buff sand tires according to one’s preferences. But if you want, you can buff your sand tires in your garage or backyard with some tire buffing tools. 

Things You Will Need

  • An oscillating tool with a knife blade
  • Measuring tape
  • Marking pen
  • Angle grinder with a coarse flap disc


Follow the step-by-step guide to be able to buff the tires with little to zero technical skills.

Step 1

Determine how you want to see your tire after the buffing process. Measure the tread blocks with measuring tape and mark the areas you want to cut off or remove.

Step 2

Cut the tread blocks with the knife blade of an oscillating tool. You should sharpen the edge of the knife before using it, as it will give your good tires a fine and clean cut. If you are a beginner, start with a small and slow cut. Because going too fast on the first attempt can damage the treads and make the tire useless. 

You can also use a tire groover instead of a knife according to your preference.

Step 3

After you have cut unnecessary parts from the tire blocks, it is time to smoothen the edges. Start the angle grinder and smooth the uneven tread blocks with the attached flap disc.

But you can skip this step if you don’t want that smoothness of block edges and want the tread with an uneven surface.

Final Words

Without following the right procedures, you might buff tires inappropriately, creating difficulty while driving on the wet sand and other wet surfaces. With these easy steps, you already understand how to buff sand tires to create more traction while driving on sand areas.

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